This guideline last updated 17/06/2022 14:21:16


Keratitis, Microbial, Bacterial

Differential diagnosis  

  • Corneal infiltrative lesions
  • Acanthamoeba keratitis

Possible management by Optometrist


  • None, unless rapid access to ophthalmology impossible or advised by ophthalmology
    • PoM Ofloxacin 0.3% hourly, titrate as per response, minimum final frequency 4 times a day
    • Cyclopentolate 1% three times a day for one week, if in pain


  • Warn contact lens wearers not to discard their lenses or lens cases, but to retain them for culture
  • Emergency referral to an ophthalmologist

Management Category

  • Emergency referral to an ophthalmologist

Possible management by Ophthalmologist

  • Corneal scraping for microscopy, culture and antimicrobial sensitivity
  • Intensive topical anti-bacterial therapy